Thursday, 17 October 2013

Santiago in sandals

Carrie and I left the albergue while it was still dark. The rain had stopped but the countryside was shrouded in mist. I knew that our route took us close to the Lavacolla airport and we could hear taxiing aircraft without being able to see them. Eventually the mist lifted and the city was before us. From this side there is no view of the Cathedral.
In December I was asked to help compose the letter that would go out to parents announcing my resignation as Chaplain of St Edwards school . In the letter I announced two challenges . The first was that I would walk the Via Podiensis(all 1522km), and the second that I would do it in sandals! At 11.30am today I stood before the Cathedral at Santiago and declare that both challenges had been successfully completed . Tomorrow at noon on the Feast of St Luke I will be concelebrating mass at the high altar of the same Cathedral.
In the final weeks before I left England I was convinced that this was folly and I should abandon the whole venture.Even during the walk there have been three occasions when I felt that I couldn't go on.But here we are! I am sure that the enormity of the enterprise will not sink in for a while. Many thanks to all of those who have supported me with your prayers and encouragement . In the words of Eliot:
'' To make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
With the drawing of this love and the voice of this calling".


  1. Red wine time then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well done
    lots of love

  2. Father B, time to uncork the Bristol Cream!
    WOW....I raise my glass in your honour......

  3. This is an extraordinary achievement. The physical challenge was significant but the reward evidently enormous. Humbling you have said but rich in experience and the opportunity to connect with so many people from a wide variety of background. We look forward to your sharing a little more of it back in England. Edward.

  4. Of course, Santiago is not the end of your WAY. You know, a real pilgrim will continue to Muxia and Finisterre. I know you will you this! Enjoy the mass!
